Do you have things to do
that in your heart of hearts
you know you are not going to do
– even though
they are really important and
doing them
would make a
world of difference
Do you want to recover, restart or resume the adventure of your work and life?
Introducing an opportunity for executives, managers and business owners to be empowered and inspired. An opportunity to take the actions you know you need to take so that you generate results, live well and adventure beyond the current COVID-19 disruption.
Do any of these sound like you?
- You are really good at getting work done for clients but not at doing what you need to do for yourself.
- You are driven by deadlines and don’t get done important things that are not urgent.
- You hesitate and put off doing certain tasks you find uncomfortable.
- You avoid makeing phone calls (especially making requests or sales).
- Your staff do not consistently deliver work on time and to standard.
- You avoid difficult conversations such as complaining about poor performance or broken promises.
- Self-doubt or anxiety tends to get in the way of doing things you know would be valuable.
- You need more business or clients
- Your health or your family are on the back burner – you are not properly taking care of yourself and your relationships.
- You feel stuck, you have things you want to do and don’t know how to get unstuck and start doing them.
- You know its time to take your business on-line and you are still putting off getting started.
I mean, I get it …
Recently, an executive level client shared with me he wasted a lot of time looking for things and his staff complained about his disorganisation. When I asked what he could do about it, he immediately outlined a tried and true method for organising emails and being responsive to staff. He knew exactly what he needed to do, he knew it was important to do it, and yet he was not doing it.
Some years ago when I was running a software company turning over seven-figures, I would phone the sales prospects that I felt comfortable with and, avoid phoning high-value prospects I was a bit scared of. I was still doing important work, but I was not doing the most important work. Avoiding these calls held back the company, slowed my personal growth and meant the client missed out on the significant benefits of our software.
We have all been there, whether it is putting off sales calls, putting off difficult conversations with staff (or our spouse), complaining about work quality but not dealing with it, or not taking the time to exercise and unwind.
We live like we have all the time in the world to do important activities or we can catch up at the last minute. This approach cannot work where high performance is generated over time through consistent action. Leadership, business development, developing people and fitness are all performance arts and, like dance, require action and practice to embody skills.
Getting started and taking the first steps are key to progress and success.
I have learned the hardway by making mistakes. I have studied the masters for proven ways to stop procrastinating and get important things done. Now, I want to help you to do that …
You already know that getting your most important work done is the key to your recovery, growth and success post COVID-19.
So, are you ready to engage in an effective process that will have you in action doing what you know you need to do?
Here’s the good news
I’m running a beta training program where I’m going to provide a powerful process for getting your most important work done and suport you in actually using it.
You will get started (or restarted) and within 30 days you will achieve goals that have eluded you. You will be set up for success in the long game.
I am going to:
- Guide you in selecting, clarifying and commiting to the important actions you are going to take.
- Give you a weekly practice for monitoring progress, self reflection and self learning.
- Give you a structure for an effective conversation with a success buddy so that you can kindly and firmly hold each other to account.
- Provide you with access to a carefully selected and supportive community of motivated executives and entrepeneurs who are on the same journey.
- Coach you and support you over Zoom video to keep you focussed and on track
- Celebrate with you as you achieve more than you ever expected to achieve in 30 days!
Essentially, I am are providing a process and peer support that will empower you to do what you already know you need to do to transform your work, your business and your life.
Knowing what to do is not enough – this program will have you doing what you need to be doing right now.
This accountability process progressed me from being stuck to moving forward and achieving outcomes. The regular check-in questions and Ian’s amazingly supportive approach had me owning my goals and my actions, while never feeling judged. The approach gave me a path for being accountable, committed and goal-focused, yet also self-compassionate. Just not giving up on my goals would have made me happy. I am ecstatic that as a result of working with Ian, I am now delivering my own on-line programs and participating in international collaborations! Thank you!
Deanne Duncombe, IT Manager and Executive Coach, Canberra
Here is my transformational promise to you:
If you are accepted into the beta program you will be supported to take the actions you need to take so that you astound yourself with what you do and achieve in 30 days. You will know how to continue to generate new and expanding results for yourself beyond the 30 days.
Here’s why this opportunity is unique:
- I am only going to run the beta course once (after this it will be available at a higher price point or the content will be incorporated into my Executive Class Mastermind Program)
- You will have access to myself and my colleague Jon Osborne and our combined 40 year’s experience as executives and entrepeneurs and ten year’s experience coaching executives and business owners – only for the beta program.
In return, this is your commitment to me…
- You are fully committed to implementing the process and you will attend at least 4 of the 5 live calls. If you miss a call, you agree you’ll catch up with the recording during that week before the next call.
- You will take care of yourself and the people around you and use the program to create good in the world!
- You’ll provide feedback on the course & a testimonial describing your experience of the process and the results you’ve seen.
That’s it.
You will get access to:
A 30 day program for taking action on what’s
most important in your life.
A small learning community of no more than 15 motivated people who support each other.
A weekly Zoom coaching call to celebrate your progress and get unstuck.
A private community forum for mutual support
and guidance from me and your peers.
One short and sharp video lesson each week that unpacks a concept or distinction without overwhelming with too much information.
A detailed guide for creating and running
effective and kind accountablity conversations with a success buddy.
Note: This program is not for everyone! This is not a panacea or fix-all that will make you instantly succesful without effort. You are not a good fit unless you are ready to invest about two hours a week of your valuable time to reflect, do the weekly work and to turn up to the Zoom calls. This program might not be for you if you know you are good at buying programs and then not doing anything with them (we have all been there!) so please save yourself the money if you are not ready to commit to action for four weeks.
Join Success in Action
and restart, recover or resume the adventure today!
Success in Action - Beta progam
- Australian dollars!
- Includes GST (in Australia only)
- 66% ($265) Discount!
- Full refund if not accepted into program
- Group size limited to just 15
- Success buddy
- 5 live coaching and Q/A sessions
- 4 short and sweet video lessons
- Proven action systems
- Membership of private group
Why trust me and this program?
I have put off a lot of important activities in my life and I have generated some significant results. I dealt with social anxiety and self doubt and still grew my software company from two mates working together to a multi-million dollar Venture Capital partnership with 60 full time staff. I learned to shift from a dread of public speaking to making my living as a coach and facilitator. I am amazed I now coach Executive Level and Senior Executive Service (SES) staff of the Australian Public Service, executives in private corporations and entrepeneurial business owners. I am a Professional Credentialed Coach (PCC) with the ICF and have eight years and thousands of hours of coaching experience. I am a father whose pride and joy is still his daughter – and now also his grandson and step daughter.
I bring to this program everthing I have learned on my journey from insecure scientist to successful software business owner to high performance coach. I know that it is relatively easy to find out what to do as a leader, as an executive or as a business owner. Hundreds of advisors and thousands of books will tell you what you need to know and do. Conventional training courses will tell you what you need to know and do. This program is different. It will focus not on the theory and planning but on the taking of action – on doing what in your heart of hearts you know you need to do.
This program is not a panacea, a fix-all or a magic wand; after all it is a 30 day program with 5 group coaching calls. Full participation will get you into action doing more of what you know you need to do. Full participation will have you build momentum and make progress on what’s most important in your life. Full participation will help you to be more self-aware, give you more choices and set you up for long-term success. Full participation will have you astound yourself with what you do and achieve in just 30 days.
It does not matter whether you want to focus on business growth, staff productivity or building a better relationship with your children, this process can work for you.
Is this the right moment to invest in yourself and join me on this 30 day success-in-action adventure?